Outgrowing Capitalism

It’s time to rethink how we create and allocate money.

In Outgrowing Capitalism, Marco Dondi sheds light on the fact that most people do not have the economic security to focus on purpose and life fulfilment. He proposes that this is not the way things have to be; there is an alternative. In a quest to change our economic system to cater for everyone, he identifies deep issues in how money is created and allocated and connects these to capitalism. Instead of generating value and increasing well-being in society, free-market money creation through private banks has led to inflation of house prices, financial crises, increasing inequality, and mountains of private debt.

Dondi shows that the assumptions and circumstances that made capitalism a success are no longer true today. He then describes a new socio-economic model, monetism, an alternative that is good for the many rather than the few. He provides a pragmatic roadmap to institutionalize monetism and solve societal issues that only seem as permanent as time.

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Available November 9, 2021

The Importance of Outgrowing Capitalism

Our world is out of whack. Our societies have never been so rich, so knowledgeable, and so united. Yet if we look around, we can see that incomes for most people have not risen for decades. Well-being has lost any connection to economic growth, and artificial intelligence and robots threaten to take once invulnerable jobs or shrink their value. As the gap between the haves and have-nots continues to widen, debt grows larger and larger. Poverty, inequality, and the calamity of climate change all seem undefeatable in the near future and maybe even in the long run. Crisis after crisis builds on system-wide failure to make life for the average person a roller coaster of anxiety, frustration, and powerlessness.

Capitalism focuses on production and, for a long time, increased people’s buying power. No more. Limited purchasing power now hinders both production and the diffusion of innovation, and it will do so more and more. Outgrowing Capitalism describes this major shift in this economic system. It shows why capitalism is now obsolete and how confidence in unfettered markets continues to limit prosperity. This ideology that exalts free markets, promotes minimal intervention, and defends the status quo. It is a system that favors the wealthy, established technologies and corporations, patriarchal societies, and particular ethnicities.

As biological organisms must evolve to thrive in changing environments, so must our economic system. We no longer live in a society where all that is needed are production and all able bodies working. We can aim at giving all people the opportunity for well-being and fulfilling lives, and that goal requires a reshaping of society, beyond the limits of capitalism. Outgrowing Capitalism provides a solution: monetism. With monetism, we can evolve and implement an economic system that better fits the world we live in today.

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Praise for Outgrowing Capitalism

“Capitalism is now in crisis, unable to address some of today's great challenges. Chief among these is climate change, an existential threat to life on this planet. Marco Dondi, in this excellent book, offers an important contribution to this examination, focusing on money supply through a new concept of monetism. It is this kind of fresh thinking from the next generation of business leaders that offers hope that we can come to terms with our global challenges, before it is too late.”

—Andrew J. Hoffman-Holcim
(US) professor of sustainable enterprise at the University of Michigan and author of several books on business and sustainability

“At the heart of a bold alternative to capitalism as we know it, Outgrowing Capitalism contains the most sophisticated and persuasive plea ever for an unconditional basic income funded by inflation-proof money creation.”

——Philippe Van Parijs
Author of Basic Income, professor at the University of Louvain, Hoover Chair of Economic and Social Ethics, and chair of the Advisory Board of the Basic Income Earth Network

“Dondi eloquently makes the case that modern banking actually hinders capitalism's creative forces, whilst a fiat-money-based universal income scheme he calls monetism would unleash them, reducing debt and poverty in the process. The book is easy to read, and Dondi’s ambitious proposals are grounded in a unique understanding of banking and real-life economics. His excellent arguments deserve serious consideration.”

—Steve Keen
Author of Debunking Economics, honorary professor University College London, and former head of economics at Kingston University

“I have no background in economics and, frankly, have never understood global economic systems. Thanks to Outgrowing Capitalism, I now do. As I read, I lost count of how many times I yelled out in agreement. My friends and I have had wonderful discussions about this book. It's changing minds. I will own one economics book—this is it”

—Trish Lockard
Writing coach from Tennessee who read an early copy of Outgrowing Capitalism