How does Capitalism serve us today?


Which of these statements on various aspects of societies is accurate, to the best of our knowledge?

Strong evidence shows that increasing the value of a country’s production, and therefore the average income of its citizens, is the best strategy to continue to grow individuals’ happiness, life satisfaction, and even life fulfillment.(Required)

Developed countries like those in North America and Western Europe have achieved long-term financial security for the majority of their people(Required)

Financial security has little impact on achieving satisfaction with one’s job and finding a compatible life partner(Required)

The main reason no society has deployed a universal basic income program (UBI) at scale is lack of evidence of its benefits(Required)

Taxes are the only way a government can sustainably fund a universal basic income program – or any public investment and expense, for that matter(Required)

Governments create most of money we use every day to settle big and small transactions within a country, through their central banks(Required)

Central banks in the developed world, and the economics discipline in general, have a very good understanding of those few variables that influence inflation, which is no longer a relevant issue to ensure a country’s path to higher prosperity(Required)

There is growing evidence that the traditional recipe of capitalism – keep increasing capital, promote competition between companies and individuals, and allow free negotiations between them – is not the best recipe to maximize the value that a country can produce(Required)

Societies could grow GDP forever while respecting planetary boundaries(Required)

The economics discipline has by now fully incorporated the evidence from adjacent fields such as psychology, evolutionary biology, and physics, and it is therefore a reliable guide for policymakers(Required)

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How much do you know about this core theme of well-being in Outgrowing Capitalism?